Thursday, December 6, 2012

Revising NaNoWriMo novel

As I said in my previous blog entry I have completed NaNoWriMo 2012 and now have a “novel in the rough”. I say rough because it needs a lot of work (revising). I have decided at the insistence of my lovely wife to use the NaNoWriMo principle to my revising and put a 30 day deadline on completing the first revised draft. So starting Monday, December 10, 2012 I start and must be finished on January 7, 2013. I have enlisted the aid of my daughter and wife to read my rough draft and give me feedback on structure, story line, plot, character development, ect. Not on grammar and punctuation. That can come later. I trust their instinct and judgment when it comes to this. Also, as well as posting on this blog once or twice a week on the progress I am making on the first revision I will be posting a video blog as well. My blogs will be Tuesdays/Thursdays and my Vlog , as I am told it is called, will be posted on Sunday night or Monday. I will play this by ear and see how it goes. So here is my first introductory blog about my NaNoWriMo revision process; because you know it is Thursday.


  1. Way to go! Can't wait to see the video.

    Love Ya, DeeDee

  2. Way to go giving yourself a deadline like that. I need to do the same thing and post it to my blog. And I look forward to your vlog!
