Monday, July 16, 2012

Hey, what are you waiting for?

“I'm a big believer in putting things off, In fact, I even put off procrastinating. -Ella Varner” I have a declaration to make. WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING I AM THE KING OF PROCRASTINATION! You will probably tell me that I am wrong. Tell me that I haven’t seen procrastination till I have seen you procrastinate; that you invented procrastination. And if I looked procrastination up in Webster’s Dictionary I would find your picture. Well, as far as I am concerned we are all Kings and Queens of the art of procrastination. We just have our own special style. Some of us have to walk the dog first or water the plants or do the laundry (for a guy to use that one he is really hurting) or clean the house or do the dishes; the list is endless. In other words anything that you feel you have to do before you sit down to write is a form of procrastination. What’s yours? What makes you the King or Queen of Procrastination? Alan Dean Foster was quoted as saying, “The thing all writers do best is find ways to avoid writing.” At this moment I am trying to defeat one of my famous procrastinations. I am trying to put this blog entry together before 9pm. That is the time that I stop everything at watch TV. It is a cycle in my life. I go to work, fighting traffic to and fro, and when I finish dinner I convince myself that I am too tired to sit and write but not too tired to sit and watch TV. Well, that is going to change. Starting tonight I will not sit down and watch TV until I have written something. I need to spend some serious time writing. I have 4 unfinished short stories, 2 unfinished YA novels and 1 unfinished play. All started none finished. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Am I the only “start but never finish” writer out there? Here is my new model to write by. I will fulfill it to the best of my ability. Today is the first day of the rest of my “writing” life – Charles Dederich founder of Synanon, a self-help community for drug abusers and alcoholics, based in California.  Word in italics added by author.


  1. I love this! My form of procrastination is surfing the web. I'll get hung up on something while writing, and, the next thing I know, I'm on some useless website looking at something dumb.

    That sure is a lot of unfinished works! I have an unfinished novel and an unfinished children's book plus a children's book I've been meaning to write for over a year now and haven't even started. You're not alone. Oh, and I have an unfinished poem...

    Your the King; I'm the princess :)

    Way to push through.

    (Oh, and just so you know, I got a little excited when I saw you using semicolons.)

  2. I liked that semicolons-a-love-story. My problem is I'm not sure if I used the semicolon in the right place. Oh well, who cares. I used it. Thanks for the encouragement Princess of Procrastination.
