Thursday, November 29, 2012
I did it. It is 10:55pm on November 29, 2012 and I have just finished NaNoWriMo with a word count of 50,252. I must say that I have never written so much in such a short period of time.
I want to thank my daughter Dustin for plugging away at it with me and challenging me all the way. We would set goals for each other and race toward them. We carried each other over the finish line.
And most of all I want to thank my wife DeeDee for her neverending encouragement and support. At times when I would want to give up and quit she was always there to encourage me to get back in and write.
And I want to thank God for the blessed talent He gave me to do this little thing and enjoy it all the way. Now on to revision and publication.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
ok, it is coming down to the wire with NaNoWriMo 2012. 3 more days to go. I am sitting on 40,353 word as of today which means I have 9,647, plus a couple hundred for good measure, more to go. That means I will have to write about 3,280 words today, tommorro and friday before midnight.
This has been a great experience. I have always dreamed of becoming a published author and NaNoWriMo is a great tool to get you motivated and put words to paper. No excuses. You are on a deadline. No procastinating (the number 1 writer problem).
I will let you know how it went on Saturday. I am sure i will be up all night Friday.
And I may even post a excert from my book.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Well, I am back to writing. I am currently involved in NaNoWriMo and have till Friday, the last day of November, to finish writing a 50,000 novel. As of right now I am at 31,777 words and counting. I am doing this at the encouragement of my daughter Dustin. She has completed one novel, and is in the revising stage with that, and now is writing the sequel during this NaNoWriMo. This is not an easy task. If you think it is I encourage you to try it next year. It is during the month of Thanksgiving and there are many distractions. This year my wife and son , Daniel, decided that we would drive to Minnesota to my daughters home for Thanksgiving. We drove straight threw - 23 hours both ways. Grueling drive but we had an awesome time.
Now Dustin and I are playing NaNoWriMo catch-up. Wish us luck. We will succeed!
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