Well, the countdown clock is now ticking at 4 days, 4 hours and 4 minutes as I write this post. And I am happy to say that I have an idea of what I am going to write about...kinda like a "Novel Idea". My novel is going to take place during the American Civil War and the main character is going to be a 14 year old boy who is Drummer Boy in the Union Army. I am considering writing from the first person. I'm thinking that by writing in the first person I will be able to express, (let's give him a name...Johnny), his feelings better. Stop for a moment and think of when you were 13 years old. What were you doing? Playing baseball and trading baseball cards, skipping school, sneaking your Parents booze, thinking of girls, thinking of boys ( if you are a girl, of course). One thing is for certain; you weren't looking death in the face every day and trying to stay alive.
I know a little about war having served in Viet Nam at the age of 19. That's a 5 year difference. doesn’t seem like much but I think the mind of a 14 year old and that of a 19 year old are quite a bit apart. I'm hoping that there not that far. We'll see. It is going to be a challenge but then so is NaNoWriMo.
It sounds great!