“Any man who keeps working is not a failure. He may not be a great writer, but if he applies the old-fashioned virtues of hard, constant labor, he’ll eventually make some kind of career for himself as a writer.” Ray Bradbury
“I do know that anybody can write, and I know that self-acceptance, self-knowledge, and belief in oneself are necessary to begin the struggle with words on paper. And I know that it takes both trust and courage to continue that struggle.” Roberta Jean Bryant
Becoming a writer, and what I mean by “a writer” is someone who is published, is not easy or for the faint of heart. The road to authorship is littered with the withered remains of those who tried and failed or just gave up. I’ve heard people say, “I don’t have the talent to write" or "That takes a special talent which I don’t have.” Neither could be further from the truth. We all can write it’s just that some people can write better than others and it is easier for some. It is not easy for most writers. Most successful writers will tell you that it is the most difficult thing they do. Many writers will tell you that they are masters of procrastination.So what is the secret? I believe as Ray Bradbury and Roberta Jean Bryant have said that it takes constant hard labor and the courage to keep up the struggle. And by doing so you may accomplish your goal of being published. For some it will be easy. For others, myself included, it will consist of hard constant labor and trust and courage to continue to struggle through the arduous process. Truth is it will be difficult for most of us. As I stated in my last post I am the King of Procrastination. And I am also the King of Unfinished Works to boot. With all these Kingly titles you would think I am some kind of Royalty. I have been called a "royal pain" on occasions now that I think of it.
If you are reading this you may be wondering, who is his audience? And what he is talking about? The answer to those questions is simple: My audience is me. And you if you feel you are in the same boat as I am. You see, what I am trying to do is talk myself into writing again by starting a daily writing process and writing about the areas that I have difficulty in my writing. Such as: procrastination and lack of confidence in myself to finish a worthy story. It is my hope and prayers that this will encourage me to write on a daily basis, finish unfinished works and create all the new stories that are locked in my head dying to get out.
Join me if you dare. But, be forewarned... I do not have a clue where I am going.
Exciting isn't it?
VERY exciting.
ReplyDelete"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
-Thomas Mann